Monday, March 26, 2012

Party Planning: Summer Block Party Tips

Here in Indiana, like in many other parts of the U.S., we've been setting record warm temperatures. It's got a lot of us thinking about ways we can enjoy the outdoors, and it's got a lot of us in the mood to start party planning for our spring and summer outdoor parties.

If you're thinking of hosting a summer block party in your neighborhood, it's a good idea to start planning now. We've got some tips to help you coordinate an event that's fun for everyone in the neighborhood.

Summer Block Party Tips

  1. Learn the Rules: Your very first step should be to check with local authorities and set a date for the party. In lots of cities and towns, you need to obtain permission to host a block party--particularly if your plan is to close the street during the event.

  2. Send Planning Invites: Planning a summer block party can be a huge undertaking. To get the most support, send out a flyer or invitation for a planning session to round up as many volunteers and coordinators as possible. This will also be a great time to ask for donations and generate interest for the block party.

  3. Keep Decorations Simple & Unifying: Being outdoors, you might struggle to come up with workable ideas for decorating. We suggest lining the curbside with fun summer yard pinwheels and using colorful centerpieces on picnic tables.

  4. Ask Everyone to Contribute: A block party is an expensive undertaking unless everyone pitches in. Here are some areas where you can ask your neighbors to pitch in: food, cooking, picnic dishes and utensils, decorations, flyers and invites, monetary donations, entertainment, and games.

  5. Play Games: No outdoor party is complete without yard games like volleyball, cornhole, and horseshoe. But you can also schedule fun camp-style games like potato sack races and water balloon fights. Organize special games for the young children and toddlers.

  6. Organize a Clean-Up Event: If your neighborhood is in need of some TLC, kickoff the event with a project. You could ask everyone to help pick up trash, make repairs, or even start a community garden. The block party is a great way to reward everyone once all the hard work is done.
Do you have fond memories of block parties in your neighborhood either as a child or an adult? What made the summer block party special for you?

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